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BBC Radio 3 Lunchtime Invitation Concert: The Elements, Landscapes and Variations

Join us for a FREE lunchtime concert which offers escape, sunny climbs and musical mastery.

Event Details


11 September 2024 13:05


Ulster Hall - Belfast

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Libby Larsen Deep Summer Music – 8’
Copland Appalachian Spring – 23’
Dvořák Symphonic Variations Op. 78 – 21’


The programme opens with a short work by the Grammy award-winning American composer, Libby Larsen. She is well-known for writing music that evokes the earth and the elements, and her Deep Summer Music – premiered by the Minnesota Orchestra in 1982 – does exactly that. It’s a verdant piece, with the xylophone and harp delivering the effect of water drops.

Copland’s Appalachian Spring follows, capturing the spirit of a young couple setting out on married life. Set in early nineteenth century Pennsylvania, its use of sparce textures and the Shaker tune “Simple Gifts”, give a real sense of the American landscape. Instruments like the clarinet have key roles to play and there’s joy and gratitude in this music.

Dvořák's Symphonic Variations round off the concert – one of the three most frequently played of all sets of orchestral variations, alongside Brahms’ Variations on a Theme by Haydn and Elgar’s Enigma Variations. The Symphonic Variations were written between 06 August and 28 September 1877, with the conductor Hans Richter describing it as a “magnificent work” and writing to Dvořák: “At the hundreds of concerts which I have conducted during my life, no new work has ever had such success as yours.” There are 27 variations in total, all based on a theme from one of the composer’s earlier works.

The English conductor James Burton joins the Ulster Orchestra.

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