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Advertise With Us

Let your customers know the score!

Promote your business, connect with our audience and showcase your commitment to the arts! It’s a great time to advertise with the Ulster Orchestra. With more concerts than ever this Season, your advertising reach is as far as the number of concert programmes you choose to advertise in.

The Ulster Orchestra prints over 25,000 concert programmes reaching audiences all over Northern Ireland.

Not only will your business reach a potential audience of 36,500 but your money will make a significant difference to our ability to bring the joy of classical music to a wider audience.  It also supports our Learning and Community Engagement activities, working with some of the most disadvantaged people in our community.

Prices & concerts are listed below, as in previous years we offer full or half page settings, in colour and all our programmes are A5.  We also offer fantastic deals for booking multiple concerts.

Working together, we can help create a sustainable future for the organisation that we all know & love!

Friday night Season concerts (Ulster Hall – 900 capacity)

Full page colour per concert        £275
Half page colour per concert       £175

Pops & Festive Series (Belfast Waterfront - 1980 capacity)

(excludes The Snowman and Halloween)
Full page colour per concert         £300
Half page colour per concert       £200
*All prices are exclusive of VAT. Discount available for multiple bookings.

For more information and for specifications, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]or call 028 9023 9900.

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