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To Bassoon and Beyond: Beginning Bassoonists at Ulster Orchestra Rehearsal

A new generation of bassoonists visited orchestra rehearsals at the Waterfront Hall

The brilliant Education Authority tutor Krista Gallagher brought a new generation of bassoonists to the Waterfront Hall last Saturday, where they were able to hear the bassoon in action during our rehearsal for the Worlds of Fantasy concert. Greg, a familiar face to the students already through visits to their schools, played some impressive excerpts and answered lots of questions, also announcing our Big Bassoon Bash at Ulster Orchestra HQ in May. 

“To Bassoon and Beyond” is a pilot project launched by the EA Music Service in partnership with the Ulster Orchestra, to grow a dwindling population of bassoonists. At present, 35 pupils from 5 primary and 2 post-primary schools in Belfast, Ballynahinch and Lurgan have weekly lessons with tutor Krista, with surprise visits from UO players Greg and Vahan. 
May’s Big Bassoon Bash will see the pupils attending our Townsend Street home to take part in a morning of ensemble playing, mini-masterclasses and general bassoonery. 



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